Day: <span>February 8, 2018</span>

The sad consequences of recent elections are in the headlines. Vote Education First!


Educators have every right to be offended – and they are – over a wealthy homeschooler/voucher advocate’s campaign to enourage school district employees to “blow the whistle” on colleagues who are enthusiastic about encouraging other educators to vote.

The “blow the whistle,” voter-suppression effort targeting educators is outrageous, but the message to educators is clear. Go to the polls when early voting starts on Feb. 20, take a few dozen of your friends and colleagues with you and Vote Education First!

The headlines below are the consequences of recent elections, and they are reality, folks, not “fake news.” If educators don’t vote for education and try to make a difference, who will?

Retired Texas teachers see insurance premiums soar

More than half of Texas public school students are in districts where teacher certification isn’t required

PolitiFact: Abbott’s vow to cut tests is unfulfilled

Unlawful 8.5% cap reflects challenge of Texas’ special education system

Republicans stuff education bill with conservative social agenda

Koch network laying campaign to fundmentally transform America’s education system

3 BISD campuses could close for poor test scores

Austin charter schools hit 25,000 as Texas gives them a boost

EPISD will work with group tied to charter schools to redesign Bowie, 7 other campuses

Special education caps were the Legislature’s idea, educators say

Houston ISD leaders say state’s special education plan falls short in helping districts

DISD moving forward with plan to close schools after this year


A charter school owns condos. Can students use the hot tub?

The state’s declining support for public education in Texas