Conventions & Conferences
House of Delegates
The TSTA House of Delegates (HoD) is TSTA’s highest decision-making body and serves a vital role in the governance of TSTA. Delegates are elected as representatives to the HoD, and may establish goals for TSTA, amend its bylaws, and act on recommendations from the TSTA officers, board, or committees. Elections for officers, NEA Directors, and At-Large members of the TSTA Board are held at this annual assembly.
Please contact the TSTA Center for Executive and Governance by emailing or calling 512-476-5355 if you need assistance.
Representative Assembly
The NEA Representative Assembly (RA) is NEA’s highest decision-making body. Delegates to the RA debate issues impacting American public education, elect top officers, and set association policy. Texas delegates to the RA are elected both locally and statewide. The NEA RA is usually held the first week of July.
ESP Statewide Conference
The ESP Statewide Conference is designed for Education Support Professionals and their teaching colleagues from all over the state. This conference is open to all TSTA members and non-members alike.