TSTA-Aspiring Educators…A Part of the NEA Student Program
The National Education Association Student Program (NEA-AE) is the professional association for college and university students preparing to teach. Although it is a national organization of state student education associations, the basic unit is the college or university chapter.
The NEA Student Program is an integral part of the National Education Association, just as local chapters and state associations are integral parts of the NEA Student Program.
How It Began
The Texas Student Education Association begin in March 1957, during a Texas Association of Future Teachers of America student convention in Austin. In 2002, TSEA changed its name to TSTA-Student Program and then again to TSTA-Aspiring Educators.
The future is bright not only in numbers, but in fulfilling the purpose of the organization to provide college students who will be our future teachers opportunities for developing personal growth and professional competence.