Legislative Action

From your local school board to the halls of Congress and the federal bureaucracy, TSTA membership gives you power and resources for advancing your own interests and those of your schools and students. Your impact on issues is strengthened by TSTA/NEA’s size, experience, and representation. 

89th Texas Legislative Session and Resources for Session

Your TSTA staff provides updates on the session, tracks education-related bills, and shares TSTA’s legislative priorities in this area. 

Find out who your Legislators are and how to contact them

See the members of the Texas House of Representatives and the Texas Senate

FAQ about the Texas Legislature and information about the Texas Capitol building

Watch live broadcasts from the House and the Senate

After each legislative session, the Texas Education Agency produces a Briefing Book that describes new laws that impact public education. 

Want to pledge your support for the positive change we need in our schools and classrooms? Visit our advocacy portal today!


For the latest on national issues, see NEA’s Education Votes website.

Agency and Committee testimony

January 28, Senate Education K-12, TSTA is vehemently opposed to vouchers