Social Media

“Link in Bio” links:

Tell your Texas Senator to vote NO on vouchers and SB2

Black Lives Matter at School Toolkit

Sample Safe Zone School Board Resolution and Policy (link will download a Word document)

Put the American Indian/Native Studies course on SBOE’s agenda

National Black Lives Matter at School

Texas Gun Sense Advocacy Day and training

Independent book study; receive CPE credit

ESP Bill of Rights

Want to pledge your support for the positive change we need in our schools and classrooms? Visit our advocacy portal today!

Blog: Grading Texas

Clay Robison, a veteran reporter now working for TSTA, reports on education and the political arena.  Read Blog

Blog: Diane Ravitch

Diane Ravitch is a historian of education and Research Professor of Education at New York University. Previously, she was a U.S. Assistant Secretary of Education. In 2010, she became “an activist on behalf of public schools.” Read Blog


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